Been feeling rather depressed these few days. Frankly if really pressed for an answer, I wouldn't have one.. it's just .. blarhgz.
I realise that one of my difficulties is to trust people. Well, I can do things solo and all's fine, but rely on someone to do stuff... That can get quite difficult. And almost everything that happens always shows that's a correct assumption.
Maybe I'm a control freak :P
Anyways I've been talking to DA, asking him if he sees a possibility where he can shift too, and be well .. warmer, more trusting, closer to people and stuff like that.
He is cautious about it ... Not like totally unwilling to try, but kinda approaching this with a 1000 foot long stick. Frankly, I cannot imagine DA being like this. (Similarly I cannot imagine myself like this -.-). But well DA has his LA which he is completely 100%+++ devoted to.
But I guess I should try and sit down with him and see if we can work something out..kinda like .. get out there... be er .. I don't know =.= I don't even really know what's supposed to happen.
It's kinda silly actually, since well.. that's DA, and this is me. That's .. that.