做人... a nebulous term.
Today a friend confronted me on some issues, saying I didn't tell him things while he told me things. Allow me to illustrate for the benefit of the gentle reader.
Players: A, B, me
Others: C, D, E
The Script:
A, B and me are friends. A+me is closer though.
So one day B tells me things about C&D, which C told him. Which were not supposed to be luan luan say. The things B said are lost in the haze of memory, but it's not extremely exclusive information. ie can be derived or learnt from C himself.
So over a certain weekend, henceforth known as The Weekend™, something happened to C&D involving E.
C told A what happened, and A told me.
A also mentioned not to say it to others, even B. Pretty bad fallout from The Weekend™, so it's not really something which you really want to go around saying.
So anyways when B and me were talking, B was asking for information but I didn't give (well .. did think of giving, but decided not to betray A's trust, so didn't say).
And today B talked to C and found out what happened during The Weekend™ (or at least, C's version), so B comes to me and harangues me for not telling him, since he rightfully infer that since A knows, I must know.
B's point is since he has told me lots of stuff he wasn't supposed to say (but not extremely private), I should reciprocate, and that I tell everything B tells me to A, so why cannot tell him.
Felt like telling B this. I practise ACL (Access Control List), I don't tell everyone everything, nor anyone everything. A has higher ACL levels and therefore I tell A most of everything, and that B, while a good friend, does not approach the ACL level of A. And furthermore, A say cannot say.
But didn't in the end, don't want to hurt B's feelings (.. men -_-) and don't want B to be :@ with A or even more hurt as A said cannot say..
At the very most then never talk to B anymore I guess ... More Silent Hunter time!
heh heh... never indulge in office gossip. it's a silent KEELER.
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