Thursday, April 19, 2007

Finally tiny sock no more

For months, tenshi has been living in a sock too small for him ..

Showed it to bvo + ad during dinner and they made the sock become normal sized again >_>

Bah, how would I know it got all rolled up and such!?

Socks aren't supposed to roll up! It didn't look rolled up to me! I turned it inside out and it still didn't look rolled up! <_<


  1. So clever, you've grown! ~plays level up music~

  2. zomg!

    i gave u that sock! how could u think tis so wittle!? >_>

    *unfurls sock and waves*
    ta da!

  3. She thinks little of The Sok.

    Well, goes to show how often she wears soks too!


    Da Dum!
