Monday, February 04, 2008

Eye Poker

... Have you ever had the thought, whenever you held a particularly sharp pen or a screwdriver, of poking someone in the eye with it? <_< Thoughts like that always come to me when I'm holding something like that. Today's one was pretty vivid: I was looking over at the screwdriver I had on my table and it occurred to me... What would happen if I took it, walked up to somebody, said Hey, and then poked him in the eye with it... Would I miss? Would he be able to block it? Would it go into the brain? My mental picture showed me a ruined eye, with bits of stuff ... Flowing out. Then after that... What would happen? Shall I go back and sit calmly at my seat? Or just walk out. Keep walking till someone catches me. <_< kinda weird huh... Never thought of it go such a graphical sense before too...

1 comment:

  1. yes yes! go do it.

    Perhaps the next time I walk up to you, you can just drive that item in.

    Then make sure you can calmly walk back to your seat and pretend nothing gory happened back there.

    And make sure the person you poke dies, else there will be alot of repercussions once he/she recovers
