If you're constantly arguing, fighting with ppl about locking a door...
What about just thinking of changing the fucking lock so it locks when the door closes?
But noooo.. You'll have to change the door too!
And noooo .. We ALL know that HDB doors are THE BEST!
And noooo ... There's no other door which can be better than it! (apparently)
And Well! If we change a door, do you know any contractors? They'll sure overcharge you one and give you bad doors..
Catch 22?
Best yet, in the past when we locked it .. it's WTH! Why did you lock it?!? Don't test the lock! Later spoil need to change again.
Just change the fucking door if it causes so much trouble. It's probably one of the first things most ppl change when they get their flats.
Logic and commonsense surrender. :/