Thursday, December 14, 2006

Pragmatism vs Idealism

Watched Amelie last night @ muvee Theatre. It's a nice french show... Arty and stuff.. and filled with idealism (from my point of view). So on the way home, I was talking to R about idealism vs pragmatism. Imagine! IF you brought home a guy who works in a sex shoppe, your parents would go wtfbbqlolzskates. Your parents would go, when you get a bf/gf.. best if s/he's ok educated, can make $.


Well more for bfs.

Then for bfs, must be well educated, be able to make money, and best if parents can support themselves. He must also not have messy family relations. Well .. not must, but preferably. Etc etc.

Nino from Amelie will probably fail all the QCs. Haha.

R observed that I have already taken an idealistic plunge already. Pfft. I deny that! It's not true! Doh!

Anyways, in other news.. I've been observing a disturbing .. trend.

For years my beautiful dark angel has been around me, keeping me company, folding his wings about me, being with me during bad times (and good times!). However, recently it seems that I've been .. disconnected with him. Egads! He's been with me for nearly 10 years! Maybe more! Why is he becoming further and further? T_T I can't relate to him as well as I did last time. Can it be? I've muved on? No~~~~ ! He is a constant in my life, a steadfast companion .. I don't want to muve on! T_T

Now come back here, you! Listen to me for once! pfft

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